原标题:导引第一书——张家山汉简《引书》研究 【摘要】公元前186年入土的张家山汉简《引书》是已知最早的导引气功专著。该书和马王堆导引帛画珠联璧合,表明战国后期至西汉初年导引已经在华夏大地广为普及。《引书》开创了导引学“一病一法”的体例,九百余年以后第一部由官方出版的导引学专著《诸病源候论》完全与之相同。《引书》也使《黄帝内经》中部分被删除的内容重见天日。 【关键词】引书 导引学 体例 黄帝内经 【Abstract】Yin-Shu (the book of Daoyin ) is the most earliest known Daoyin ( Qigong )monograph. Yin-Shu is a Han bamboo slip which is interred at B.C. 186. Yin-Shu and Mawangdui silk painting making a perfect couple indicates that Daoyin ( Qigong ) was spread widely at the end of warring states period to the Early Western Han dynasty. Yin Shu creates the Qigong monograph style of “one remedy of one malady ”. the first official Daoyin monograph Various pathogenic designate theory published 900 years later retained this style. Yin-Shu also include some deleted contents in Huang-di-nei-jing. 1983年12月至1984年1月,荆州地区博物馆在湖北省江陵张家山清理了编号为二四七的汉墓,在随葬品中发现了1236枚竹简,竹简堆叠的次序从上至下是《历谱》、《二年律令》、《奏谳书》、《脉书》、《算数书》、《盖庐》、《引书》等,涉及了西汉早期的律令、司法诉讼、脉学、导引学、数学、军事理论等,是极为珍贵的历史文献,为研究当时的社会状况和科学技术提供了丰富的资料。其中特别是《...
Natural treatment, Natural healing, Acupuncture, Herbs, Qigong, Meditation, Tuina, Cupping, Gua Sha